Roman Numeral Date Converter

Easily convert dates to Roman numerals. Just enter a date, and the tool will instantly convert it to Roman numerals.

Roman Numeral Date Converter

Date Input

Roman Numeral Date

Date to Roman Numeral Converter

Our tool converts dates to Roman numerals and back. Enter a date in the left panel, and the Roman numeral equivalent will appear on the right. Today, October 10th, 2019, would be X/X/MMMCMXCIX in Roman numerals. The ‘X’s’ remain the same, while ‘2019’ is converted. Roman numerals use seven symbols to represent specific values.

How to Convert a Number to Roman Numerals

To convert a number to Roman numerals, break it down into its component parts and find the corresponding Roman symbols. Remember these rules: symbols can be repeated up to three times, certain symbols can only be used with specific others, only one subtraction is allowed per number, and the largest symbol should be used first.

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